Akrivis Wealth offers a full range of financial planning, retirement planning, investment management and tax planning services.
However, we specialise in helping those who have one eye on retirement. We help those planning towards retirement by creating a plan to remove uncertainty and provide clarity.
Many BAJ members may be unsure of what retirement will look like and what provision they already have in place as well as being unclear on whether their plans are sufficient.
Pension planning has become more complex, but with our help, it can be simple.
We provide advice for BAJ members who are thinking about retirement and even those that are some way from it.
Whilst individual circumstances need consideration, there are five key issues that occur time and time again:
1, How much is enough?
Whether it is capital or income at retirement, it is important to address how much is enough.
The journey to understand how much is enough should begin a long time before retirement. Many have no idea what they might need. We can help establish what the end goal might look like and work backwards to create a plan that helps you get there.
Careful questioning can establish what is important and how much is enough. Once established, a good financial plan backed up with cashflow modelling, will ensure you remain on track for the retirement you want.
Proper measurement and assessment can help you adjust your planning as you progress towards your retirement. We can help to ensure that you do not make any mistakes that might threaten the quality of your retirement.
2, How much can I save?
Pension savings rules are very complex and not easily understood. We can bring clarity.
Many people will rely on their workplace schemes without understanding what is provided and what other options are available to maximise their chances of a comfortable retirement.
Pension saving is very tax efficient and therefore understanding and managing taxation is a very useful tool in preparing for retirement.
We take away the worry by ensuring a plan is created that includes short, medium and longer term savings goals and through cashflow planning we can show what impact that might have on your retirement.
3, I want my money to work hard
You have worked hard for your money, so it must work hard for you.
Some have had bad experiences of pension planning. Old style schemes that were complex, costly and poorly invested have rightfully gained lots of bad press.
By ensuring that you have an appropriate pension plan, that reflects your needs and is cost effective, combined with a carefully thought through investment strategy, we can create a powerful plan to ensure your money works hard and your goals are met.
4, I want to look after my Family
Understanding how your pension arrangements can provide for your family is important for many.
Under pension flexibility, the death benefits from your pension are more attractive than ever. For some this means that in fact their pension arrangement may be the last asset they access in retirement.
We can help you understand the benefits from each scheme and how they can be used, in conjunction with other assets, to provide for your retirement and beyond.
5, I don’t want the stress
Pensions are extremely tax efficient but unfortunately, they are also very complicated and confusing.
We simplify everything that can be simplified, speaking to you in a way you can understand without any jargon. We can guide you through the pension minefield, keeping it clear and simple at the same time.
We will deal with the administration of your financial affairs, so you can focus on enjoying your life pre- and post-retirement.
A financial plan, created by an experienced financial planner, will help to eliminate the stress of uncertainty. Careful creation of a plan, which is regularly tested, will ensure peace of mind.
Akrivis Wealth offers BAJ members a free initial consultation to see whether our services might be right for you.
You can also access a range of videos and guides at https://akriviswealth.com/guides/ and sign up to our newsletter at https://akriviswealth.com/